Anyhow, I filled out the absentee ballot, not all the races got filled in, because I live so far from home now I only vote in the races I know something about, and that have websites. FYI candidates - get internet sites! Military people in your district need to know who you are and the web is the best place! After the Presidential race and state senate... hardly anyone had websites.
Now it is back to organizing my office and drinking water to get rid of my nasty cold. The poor baby has it too! We are in hell over here! This is one of the drawbacks to moving to a very small base, the viruses make the rounds fast. I know that every family on our block has had this cold... I think we were some of the last.
Anyhow, please get off your duff and vote. I don't care who you vote for... it's just important to get everyone's vote in - otherwise the election results will not be representative of what America wants. Even if you think you know who is going to win vote anyhow! The more you vote and become involved the more you can actually make change come about. I'm living proof with my 'skinny house' crusade a few years ago in downtown Boise, Idaho. I was vocal, I went to meetings, I networked with the neighbors, talked to media and voted! Just recently one of those developers got in trouble with the Idaho Supreme Court. So, see, eventually your hard work does pay off but it starts with a vote.
FYI - Although I currently do not endorse any specific party I put the picture up because it's funny, and most of my family would agree with it.