So today is my last full day at home with my mother in law in charge of Hunter. I feel I must be as elusive to those two as possible and do everything I've ever wanted to do with my little man. I finally got some sleep last night... not until 5am did that happen but I slept ok until 10am so I will claim some success. Now I am playing on the computer and just realized that I never fully engaged my Ravelry account back in the fall of 2007.
What's Ravelry? It's a social networking and personal organizational tool for rabid knitters. You post all your yarn on there, your needles, your patterns, pictures of your finished objects, your knitting blog, and so forth. It's quite addicting. Most big time knitters I know are on there. It's a great place to find new patterns and knitting co-horts.
So considering my enormous yarn stash and crazy pile of needles, books and other knitting accessories I would naturally like to make sense of it all. Of course this also appeals to the OCD freak within.
I just got back onto the site and started updating my profile. Then I went to an area known as 'Notebook'. This is where all those great organizational tools are hidden. Then it hits me - This will take all freakin' day!
So, do you think I will do it?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
I'll see you all tomorrow!
FYI - As you guessed my ID on Ravelry is SerineKat!