Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pain and Progress

I spent my day in bed recovering from my wrist surgery. It went well. I'm on some heavy drugs to deal with the pain. I can't lift anything more than 2 pounds and I can't drive for 4 weeks. I can still do plenty of other things like wipe my own butt. Typing is ok for me to do but doing anything for too long does cause some pain.
I haven't had much of a chance to spend time with my little man. I think he's just about had it with me tonight. He cries whenever I walk by. My mother in law is doing a great job watching Hunter and keeping house.
Because of my condition I was able to watch some of the ignaguration. It was all well done and quite historic. I'm too stoned to take it all in. Forgive me. It's now time for more vicodin. Happiness.

1 comment:

Daisy said...

Yay, can get onto your blog now I have a new laptop! Hope you feel better soon - those are impressively enormous bandages!