Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day २२: Bridezillas

Another lazy weekend day. Hunter and I stayed in our jammies for the day and played around the house. I think my cold is gone... or at least gone into hiding.
I've spent the day knitting and watching some TV. Tonight it is more of the same. Right now I'm catching up on my Bridezillas. Really, how many women truely freak out over Bachelor parties?! This is just dumb. Honestly, who cares if there is a stripper - as long as they look and do not touch. All these Bridezillas freak out over strippers and Bachelor parties... my goodness! If you don't trust your man then why are you marrying him?! I could care less about my husband in a strip club. I know he's faithful and I know he really never goes to places like that unless it's someone's bachelor party. Anyhow, that's my Bridezilla gripe of the day. Crazy Bitches!
Now that I'm up and knitting again I am organizing it all on Ravelry and trying to plan out my Christmas knitting projects. What a beast of an idea! I'm nuts to tackle as many projects as I have slated. Still, I am a woman possessed... I will try, even if it kills me.
Oh man, moment of truth flash! Bridezillas who over plan weddings and me who over plans Christmas! Man oh man... I'm not better than a Bridezilla! Crap! I hope I never get as evil about my knitting as these ladies are about their weddings! Yikes!


Lois E. Lane said...

Well, I'm no Bridezilla but I unfortunately (for you) fall into the category of women who do NOT want their men looking at strippers. Of course the point is moot because I married a man who never would. So I've never had to get Bridezilla-y on him for it :) I win!

SerineKat said...

Agreed... if you are so firm on that then don't marry someone who isn't! Ugh! Drives me nuts to see these ladies just lose it over this issue. Obviously this is a red flag ladies! If he won't respect you on this issue what's next?! They're all crazy I tell ya!