Friday, December 19, 2008

Almost Success!

I almost got all my Christmas cards done... almost. Now all I have are like 20 overseas ones. Since I'm paying a buck to send each one I feel the need to write a little more in these ones. So I think I should have them all out on Monday.
This morning we had a little miricle - Hunter slept in until 7:30! I was floored! Then he was ready for his morning nap at 8:30... and it's almost 11:30 and he's still asleep! Thank God for growing spurts!
As soon as he wakes up I am going to feed him a bottle and drag him over the mountains to Harrisonburg. We have a little last minute shopping for The Husband to do. Hopefully this perfect baby groove keeps. Until he wakes up I don't know what to do with myself. I've showered, started a load of laundry, cleaning the kitchen and packed his bag for the afternoon. Maybe I'll go nap a little longer too.